Dentsply Germany Ankylos Implants and Beautiful front teeth replacement Missing Right Front Teeth Implants after healing Abutments fixed On Implants Teeth Fixed on Implants final smile
Full Lower Jaw screw retained Hybrid Denture on 5 Nobel Biocare Implants Five Nobel Biocare Implants in Lower jaw Multi Unit Abutments attached to Implants Hybrid Denture to fit over Implants with screws Lower Denture Fixed over the impants Screw access holes filled with composite cement Final x-ray
Dentsply Germany Ankylos Implants for Lower back teeth replacement Ankylos Implants replacing Lower Molars
Immediate Loading with Nobel Active Pre-Op OPG with plan Nobel Active NP in position 36,37 36,37 Final crowns Nobel Active NP 15 with abutment in position 44 44 Final crown Final Radiograph
Lower Jaw Molars Replaced immediately with Nobel active Implants Nobel Active NP 11.5 in position 45 Nobel active NP 11.5 in position 47 Final Prosthesis
Nobel Active Dental Implants- Teeth fixed immediately Full Mouth Rehabilitation with Nobel active Implants Final Crowns
Nobel Speedy Groovy replacing Upper Molar Immediately Sinus Lifting with Summer's Technique Nobel Speedy Groovy RP 10 inserted Abutment Fixed Final Crown Fixed Final Crown Post Op Radiograph
Fixed Teeth with Ankylos Implant in Treated oncocytoma Pre Operative OPG Healed area 6 months after tumor excision Tooth 33 prepared and Ankylos implant in 36 region PFM Bridge Fixed Final Radiograph
All-ON-4 Implant Bridge on Ankylos Implants Pre-Operative X-Ray “Four Ankylos Implants with sulcus former” Abutments Fixed Over the Implants “Final Bridge “ Final Bridge on 4 Ankylos Implants