67 Yr Female was unhappy with her removable dentures . 6 implants are placed in her upper Jaw and 4 placed in her Lower Jaw . All Implants are Nobel Replace Groovy CC . CAD CAM hybrid dentures are fixed over the implants . The prosthesis is immediately loaded
Category: All-ON-4
ALL-ON-4 with ankylos syncone conometrics
Upper Jaw fixed Acrylic Hybrid and lower removable Acrylic Overdenture
Full Mouth Fixed Teeth with Osstem/ Hyossan Implants
All-On-4 Lower Jaw at Aggarwal Dental Clinic Jalandhar, India
All-ON-4 Implant Bridge on Ankylos Implants
“Four Ankylos Implants with sulcus former” “Final Bridge “
Acrylic prosthesis On CAD-CAM Framework for All-ON-4 in upper Jaw and Tooth supported overdenture in lower Jaw
All-ON-4 Nobel Biocare implants
Pre-Op x-Ray