Full Mouth Fixed Teeth with Osstem Dental Implants loose teeth with periodontal disease Lower Final PFM bridge fitted on 7th day after surgery Final Smile Final X Ray
Monolithic Zirconia crowns over Osstem implants Lower Last molars missing Osstem Implants with Zirconia crowns
Immediate Loading with Intra-Oral welding and Adin Implants Pre-Op OPG Missing Teeth Adin Implants inserted Implants welded together Final bridge Post Op OPG
Full Mouth Fixed Teeth replacement with Osstem Implants Pre Operative X-Rays Final prosthesis in Upper Jaw and temporary in lower Jaw
Osstem Implants welded &Loaded immediately in Back Upper Jaw Back Teeth missing in Upper Jaw Osstem Implants inserted welded together
Immediate Loading with Intra Oral Welding Of ADIN Dental Implants Pre OP X-Ray Implant Inserted and welded inta-Orally Maxillary Sinus Lift and pterygoid implants
Tooth in a day on Nobel active Dental Implant Upper right front Tooth Mobile Tooth Removed and Nobel Active implant placed Abutment Fixed over implant Crown fixed
Lower Back teeth, immediate loading with Nobel Active Pre-OP X Ray Abutments fixed over Nobel Active implants Crowns fixed on 3rd day after surgery Left side PFM bridge Post Op OPG
All-ON-6 and CAD CAM Titanium framework on Branemark Implants Decayed and failing dentition 6 Branemark Implants in Upper jaw and Ankylos Implants in Lower Jaw Multi unit abutments fixed on Branemark implants Screw retained CAD-CAM Titanium framework fitted on Upper Jaw and cement retained Bridge on Ankylos Implants in Lower Jaw
All-On-4 Lower Jaw at Aggarwal Dental Clinic Jalandhar, India Pre- Op X-Ray Thin Lower jaw Nobel Clinician software planning Immediate Post-Op Hybrid denture Hybrid denture undersurface Final Smile Final OPG