60 Yr Female from Seattle USA wearing Dentures for last 5-6 years wanted Fixed teeth replacement . 16 implants were placed , 8 in each jaw . Loading of implants done immediately with metal acrylic denture and patient was eating with it after 1 week of surgery . Patient returned to Seattle and was happy […]
Author: drvaggaral
Upper Front Teeth fixed with Dental Implants immediately after extraction at Aggarwal Dental Clinic Jalandhar , India
All On 4 Hybrid Fixed Dentures at Aggarwal Dental Clinic , Jalandhar
67 Yr Female was unhappy with her removable dentures . 6 implants are placed in her upper Jaw and 4 placed in her Lower Jaw . All Implants are Nobel Replace Groovy CC . CAD CAM hybrid dentures are fixed over the implants . The prosthesis is immediately loaded